Relationships and Communication are something we all have to work to build and maintain in a healthy manner. Join the Heckleproof fellas on a discussion around how they’ve worked strengthening relationships in their own lives.
Interested in the books or card games that Carl shares on this podcast? Check them out for yourself via the links below. #HeckleproofBookclub
Five Minute Relationshop Repair
“The [ ] And” Game (Couples Edition)
*Links provided to additional books & research on mental health may include affiliate links that could potentially make us a little side cash if you decide to purchase anything. This does not increase your cost at all, it’s just a way to help us pay for production of this podcast.
Show notes and links:
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Chadwicks Sports Pub (@chadwickspub)
On the web: http://chadwickspub.com
The Hawaiian Hut (@hawaiianhut)
On the web: https://thehawaiianhut.com
The Point Pub & Grill (@thepointmedford)
On the web: https://lovemypoint.com
Courthouse Family Fitness (@thecourthousegym)
On the web: https://abkfun.com/court-house-2/
Rogue Comedy Underground (@roguecomedy)
On the web: http://roguecomedyunderground.com/